U.S. releases UFO investigation report Blog Don't Miss Lifestyle News by Leo - June 26, 2021December 14, 20220 The U.S. releases UFO investigation report: most of them are unexplainable, but alien spacecraft are not ruled out. The highly anticipated U.S. "unidentified flying object" (UFO) investigation report was released. The US government announced on June 25, local time, that most of the hundreds of mysterious “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP) in the past few decades could not be explained, but it does not rule out that some of them may be alien spacecraft. This 9-page non-confidential report made by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is a more detailed and confidential version of the public version provided to the Congressional Armed Forces and the Intelligence Committee. UFO videos taken by the U.S. Navy in 2004 and 2015 were leaked The report points
Beautiful women in soft and colorful dresses Blog Fashion and Trends Highlighted Lifestyle by Leo - June 25, 2021December 14, 20221 Feminine and colorful dress beauties, enhance the temperament and body beauty, wear temperament. The matching of dresses? All kinds of dresses are popular in summer, and new dresses are put on in summer. You only need a pair of single shoes to wear them to become elegant and fresh. As fashionable women, they must be very sensitive to the fashion trends of dresses, and use them as the characteristics of their own purchase seasons and collocations. If you don't want to be so ostentatious and take an alternative route, the polka dot dress can be used as a popular entry collocation. Polka-dot dress is a fashionable dress, and now it is suitable for the workplace. You can choose the polka-dot dress to
The design of Google’s new address book looks a lot like Google Plus Blog Lifestyle by Leo - June 25, 2021December 14, 20220 When Microsoft released the next-generation operating system, Google also launched a new version of the address book. The company said that the new Google Contacts experience, which contains additional information in this circle style, can help Google Workspace users better understand their colleagues. Although the personal version of the Google Plus social platform has been abandoned, Google still seems to want to improve this experience for corporate customers. As shown in the figure, the new version of Google Contacts will display the structure diagram of your organization and the historical contact records with specific people (including emails and meetings, etc.) as part of the address book UI. With a concise and orderly appearance, the new version of Google Contacts aims to help